MegaMarket Supermarket in Brovary is located at 316 Kyivska Street. The store has a parking lot, self-service checkout, cooking, bakery, live fish, household goods, department with electrical appliances, clothing and dining. Store hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Sunday. The supermarket offers a wide range of merchandise, including food, household chemicals, cosmetics, appliances and electrical items, clothing and shoes. The cookery and bakery offers fresh baked goods and dishes for every taste. Live fish are represented by a variety of species, including saltwater fish. In the dining room you can have a delicious and healthy snack. In the department of electrical appliances you can choose appliances for home and kitchen, and in the clothing department - trendy clothes and shoes. MegaMarket Supermarket is a convenient place for shopping and shopping for the whole family in Brovary.